Sunday 27 December 2009

Looking Back

Okaay, so its NYE on Thursday, and I figured I should do something really dorky and point out the highlights of my year, because as far as I'm concerned, at least one pretty cool thing happened to me, once a month. So lets get started.

January: This was a pretty cool way to start the new year. On the 29th I was in a pretty cool show with the Youth Theatre, half devised, half scripted. Okay, so our set & props weren't amazing, but we were pretty good. And we did have a lotta fun backstage, which is what counts; everyone knows that ;]

AND I was introduced to the wonderful world of Twilight. Oh. My. God.

February: Hmm. Feb was amah-zing. There was my flop of an audition for the school that I had no hope of affording, let alone getting into! Actually, Feb was pretty much drama based, and I didnt leave Blooms. for like, the whole month. And when you get to know the place, 28 days seems like a lifetime.

There was also the other flop of a show with the Youth Theatre. Possibly the worst one I've ever done. BUT after that things really started to look up, kinda coz I had South Pacific to look forward to. Fair enough, my part was tiny, and I had like what, 6 lines? In French. But when you're hardly onstage and spend a lot of time back stage, then you get to know things pretty well. And coz I was seen as pretty much insgnificant to the rest of the cast, the amount of gossip that passed me was unbelievable ;)

March: Nothing particularly awesome happened in March, just the fact that I met Zac Efron. Yesh I'm still in shock x] It was verrrry memorable, and I know I won't forget him touching my hand in a hurry LOL!

April: Hmm. April. According to my phone, I said goodbye to one of the most hate filled people I have ever met. Which I guess is a pretty good thing. And I started revision. And my mum let me go back to Drama. Which was an EXCELLENT thing. :D

May: Exams : But I also said goodbye to my form: the D's; 2004-2009. We were a pretty amazing form, and we do have some pretty legendary stories to tell, like the plastic red stuff on the ceiling in N15.. fun times with you guys that I will not forget.

June: Still exams. But great revision tactics, such as sitting in the park opposite IH and the Brunswick with Paulina, eating Dorito's and Passion Fruit Icecream, and our maths revision books. Fun times. There was also the end of exams come the 10th. And after that I went to see Honk! with Daniela, which, I gotta say, was pretty funny. Quack. There was the Shakespeare Summer School which was amazing. And there were a couple of premieres too... Transformers 2 and Public Enemies where Johnny Depp said happy birthday to me. Yes, I died XD

July: The best thing about July? I can't really pick anything out, seeing as it was all amazing. There was my birthday (the 3rd; don't forget!) and we had the show for the Shakespeare Summer School, and it was my 16th. After the show, I went to see Wicked with my two friends. It was.. wow. And 5 days after my birthday, I went to Brazil, which was probably the highlight of my year! I hadn't been back in 3 1/2 years. I never really realised how much I missed people until I arrived in the airport and my two best friends were waiting for me. It was surreal seeing everyone again. But the month I spent there went far too quick :(

August: We had results day. I remember the night before, facebook was filled with people worrying about their results, especially my English Class. But everyone came away with really good results. I (somehow) managed to get an A for English. And after I opened the scary brown envelope and deafened everyone that was in the Main Hall, naturally, I went for a big pig out at Daniela's. That was awesome in itself ;)

September: I guess, starting Sixth Form was a great thing. Okay, so I was pretty pissed that I wasn't where I wanted to be, but in a way, I'm happy about that, coz I got to meet some pretty cool people, who, if I had gone where I wanted, I wouldn't have met.

October: Um. October. That's a hard one. I went to the Harry Hill's TV Burp recording? That was fun :D There was the Honk! revival, which I went to; twice. There was a Central Park near Oxford Street, so I went there with a few of the girls.

November: Again, another hard one. Wait I take that back; November 20th 2009 - the day New Moon came out. Daniela went with me to the cinema to watch it, and yes, it was sold out, and yes, it was awesomee! But there was a really annoying man sitting near us who could not stop laughing. :\ Oh, and I almost forgot; Wednesday 11th November 2009. The day I met Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner. It was one hell of a day. Sitting outside in the freezing cold in Battersea Park from 8am to 8pm.. It was very tiring but sooo worth it!

December: This month wasn't one of the great ones... It could've been so much better. But I did stay at Daniela's right before Christmas and that was pretty fun, seeing as we spent both days in Heathrow airport waiting for someone ;]. On Chrismtas Eve, I went to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park with a few friends, and tomorrow (NYE) I'm (hopefully) going down to South Bank with my girls.

Huh. Looks like 2009 was a pretty good year. Ya know, last year, I wrote that this year (09) was gonna be the best year ever. And so far, I think it has been. I honestly can't think of any other year that can out do this one. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how 2009 turns out.
Happy New Year! :)